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Want to join Team Charlie? 

Help us relieve the needs of children
living with brain tumours

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment


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The heartbreaking facts about brain tumours:


  • Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. 


  • Less than 20% of those diagnosed with a brain tumour survive beyond five years compared with an average of 50% across all cancers.


  • The national investment for research into brain tumours needs to increase to £35 million a year by 2025.


Can you support other children like Charlie?

In memory of Charlie, we are a non-profit organisation set up to offer grants to children who have been diagnosed with brain tumours living in Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire to offer a bit of respite, provide gifts or treats, create  memories or make a last wish come true.


Please give whatever you can, however small. 


100% of your donation goes directly to each child. 


It really does make a difference to children and their families dealing with this devastating disease which has a colossal impact on their lives.



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